Some myths just won't go away despite what anatomy, physiology and good sense tells us. Sometimes people believe what they want to believe whether it is true or not. What amazes me is when people who otherwise are educated, intelligent and logical buy into notions that are not humanly possible. The fact is that WOMEN need to engage in regular weight-training as much, if not more so, than their male counterparts. Moreover, I will not perpetuate these myths by stating what they are but rather I will simply state the FACTS surrounding women who engage in proper strength training...
Women who engage in regular strength training will get stronger WITHOUT getting bulky muscles (unless of course you are a woman ingesting anabolic steroids!) if it is a challenging and safe regimen using proper form and technique. It is impossible for a woman to develop big, bulky muscles since women have up to 30 times less of the hormones needed for muscle hypertrophy. The BONUS will be enhanced muscle tone and definition! In other words, she will looked sculpted, strong and feminine! A woman with "big arms" is one who has layers of FAT surrounding her muscles! Women will LOSE BODY FAT when they lift weights. As muscle strengthens so does a woman's metabolism which means she will burn more fat and calories even at rest! The more strong muscle a woman has, the more energy she expends just to keep living! Strength training also helps to correct issues relating to not only obesity, but also to high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, inactivity which all contribute to heart disease, now the number one killer of women! So what is the take-away here? Women, it is time to seriously and regularly lift weights to improve and enhance not only your quality of life but also your quantity of life!
You can only begin to improve your health and fitness when you realize that you can only begin to make positive, long-lasting changes from this point forward. Do not dwell on the past and what you may or may not have done to achieve optimum health and fitness. Start TODAY and do it not only for yourself but all those around you who depend on you to be their pillar of strength! Tune in to my blog next week for more details on how to be that pillar of strength.....
WATER, that crisp, clean, wonderful beverage that really quenches thirst is responsible for so many important functions including:
1) Water maintains the balance of body fluids which aid in digestion, absorption, circulation, creation of saliva, transport of nutrients and in maintaining body temperature. 2) Choose water over a "caloric beverage" to help further weight loss goals the healthy way. 3) Water helps energize muscle cells during a workout in order avoid muscle fatigue and lack of optimum performance so drink PLENTY of water before, during and after exercising to replace fluid loss from sweating. 4) Water helps skin look great! Dehydration makes skin look wrinkled and dry. The way to hydrate skin is from the inside out, so DRINK your way to optimum hydration and good looks! 5) Water is essential for optimum kidney function. Your kidneys do an excellent job of cleansing and discarding toxins from your body if you drink enough of it. When you are drinking enough, your urine will be light in color, flow freely and be free of odor. Watch for these signs and adjust your intake level as needed to avoid being at a higher risk for conditions such as kidney stones! 6) Water helps you to maintain and move your bowels. Water will help to keep things moving efficiently through your entire digestive system and will help to avoid constipation and straining problems. Eat enough fiber and the water together with the fiber will act as the winning team to clean out your system! HAPPY DRINKING! Go to the market as often as possible, head straight to the produce aisle, buy a variety of fruits and vegetables, wash them thoroughly as soon as you return home, place in airtight containers and refrigerate as needed. Voilà! Ready to eat at a moment's notice!
Start your day right with fresh berries, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries! So delicious and nutrient-packed! Your body will thank you!
Audrey"Let's PREVENT what we can and BE COMBAT-READY for what we cannot as we ENJOY and make the most of every single day!" Archives
July 2024
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