Like our prehistoric ancestors, our bodies were brilliantly designed to climb, lift, squat, lunge, reach, gather, pull, push, twist, jump, and more. In ancient times, both men and women had to work physically hard to survive. This included lifting and transporting materials required to provide food, clothing, and shelter. While living in a technologically advanced society has afforded us the luxury of not having to produce the necessities to support life ourselves, our bodies still need to be challenged by all the movements our ancestors had to on a daily basis. These essential movements support quality of life in a modern society by helping to keep us free from preventable conditions and diseases. Although we do not have to climb the mountain to lift the stones to build the home where we eat well by enjoying all the fruits and vegetables Mother Earth has provided, we must still mimic these movements.
Respect the design. (Details in my new book GET A C.L.E.W. FOR LIFE! ©️ coming out soon.) GET A C.L.E.W. FOR LIFE! ®️ CLIMB, LIFT, AND EAT WELL ®️
Like the indoor cycling craze, the juicing, smoothing, shaking fad is yet another "flawed practice" that has done much more harm than good. The nutrients in healthy food are delivered to the organs and tissues of the body most effectively when consumed in whole form. Yes, you can EAT WELL by doing just that: EAT. We have the power to prevent, mitigate, and reverse the myriad of preventable conditions and diseases by heeding the sound advice of the father of modern medicine himself, Hippocrates. A visionary ahead of his time, his words mean more today than ever: "Let food by thy medicine and let medicine be thy food." Details of how to return to the joy of eating are in my new book GET A C.L.E.W. FOR LIFE! ©️ coming soon.
Let's prevent what we can and be combat-ready for what we cannot as we enjoy and make the most of every single day. GET A C.L.E.W. FOR LIFE! ®️ CLIMB, LIFT, AND EAT WELL ®️ Since September is back-to-school for students and faculty alike, and the publication of my new book GET A C.L.E.W. FOR LIFE! ®️ is drawing near, the time is right for this public service announcement. Although I retired from teaching when I moved from New York to San Francisco, I am still permanently certified to teach and I continue to conduct myself according to the high standards set forth by the New York State Department of Education. My Master of Science degree and my conscience also dictate that I teach any and all content with honesty, integrity, and compassion. As a NASM-CPT FNS (National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer and Fitness Nutrition Specialist), it is my duty to teach facts, not fiction. As an educator, I understand that it is often very hard for the public to believe that something so popular can sometimes do more harm than good, but the time has come to end the cycle of nonsense known as "spin." Society needs to suspend indoor cycling from school, from home, and from anywhere and everywhere these contraptions waste time and space. All models pose dangers easily avoidable if we simply step off them for good. Stationary cycling of any sort is completely inconsistent with the design of the human body. As humans, we were designed to CLIMB on our own two feet, LIFT our own body weight, and propel ourselves forward, onward, and upward. There is nothing functional about "spinning our wheels," literally or figuratively. Indoor cycling is one of the most dysfunctional activities humans can engage in, and it is popular for all the wrong reasons. Indoor bicycles take up little space, they are cheaper than a revolving stair machine, and they are easier to use since the user does not have to support his or her own body weight. (If cost is an issue, we can always CLIMB stairs, hills, escalators, or sidewalks on an incline free of charge.) There are many more reasons never to engage in indoor cycling. I discuss these reasons and identify the safest and most effective solutions to optimize health and fitness in my new book GET A C.L.E.W. FOR LIFE! ©️ coming out soon. (For those of you who cannot easily stand or walk, I have solutions for you as well. In 1996, I had to learn to walk again so I know how difficult it can be.) In the meantime, look at the photo above for inspiration and motivation as you: GET A C.L.E.W. FOR LIFE! ®️ CLIMB, LIFT, AND EAT WELL ®️ Although I was only five and a half years old, I remember the summer of 1967 very well. I remember the Jefferson Airplane making their debut on American Bandstand as the summer kicked off in June. As the vocals of Grace Slick were "gracing" New York Metro airwaves with "Somebody to Love," summer was off to an amazing start. In July, the Beatles released "All You Need Is Love" with their Magical Mystery Tour soon to follow. September witnessed the release of Lulu's hit single from the film of the same name "To Sir with Love" making us wish actor Sidney Poitier could be our teacher. The one and only Aretha Franklin made her interpretation of Otis Redding's "Respect" her very own as she became a positive force in our lives.
Fifty years later, the lyrics to all these classic songs give us pause to reflect on the status quo. In the Jefferson Airplane song, the lyrics "When the truth is found to be lies and all the joy within you dies" today is reminiscent of all the erroneous content readily available across media platforms. In the Beatles song, the lyrics, "Nothing you can say, but you can learn how to play the game, it's easy" today is reminiscent of the masses who reject established principles of anatomy and physiology in favor of what is "easy." The Lulu song now makes us yearn for a return to "old-school" values, while Aretha makes us think about respect for one another. I discuss these and other issues in my new book, GET A C.L.E.W. FOR LIFE! ©️ based on my trademarked program CLIMB, LIFT, AND EAT WELL ®️ coming out soon. Until then, let's prevent what we can and be combat-ready for what we cannot as we enjoy and make the most of every single day. Make the most of the beauty that surrounds you and GET A C.L.E.W. FOR LIFE! ®️
C.L.E.W. Studios - Excellence and Authenticity Delivered with Finesse ![]() Age does not define us, our actions do. When we allow good sense to be our guide, the possibilities are endless. Take decisive action. Enjoy life in a strong and healthy body. Details coming soon in my new book GET A C.L.E.W. FOR LIFE! ®️ Today and always, GET A C.L.E.W. FOR LIFE! ®️ CLIMB, LIFT, AND EAT WELL ®️ |
Audrey"Let's PREVENT what we can and BE COMBAT-READY for what we cannot as we ENJOY and make the most of every single day!" Archives
November 2024
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